Ideal for a Couple
*Post Office and Tatts in Geelong West Suburb Diverse revenue streams with consistent sales and excellent...
$395,000 Plus SAV
Excellent Opportunity
Tatts/ Retail Newsagency located in prime location at 4 Park Lane, Daylesford. Scope to improve sales and...
$299,000 plus SAV
All Offers Considered
Tatts/Retail Newsagency located in the Buloke Shire, excellent presentation, would suit a couple. Low rental...
$320,000 plus SAV (Including Freehold $200,000)
Perfect Sea Change
Tatts/Large range of retail products including Manchester, Curtains & Blinds, Furniture, Carpet sales, Luggage...
$395,000 Plus SAV
Over $2m in tatts sales and over $190k tatts commission per annum. Also good cards and Newsagency sales. New 15...
$240,000 plus SAV
Tatts/Retail Newsagency located on busy Bayside Shopping Strip in prime spot. Excellent retail presentation....
$295,000 plus SAV
Perfect Sea Change
Ideal retail opportunity for couple. Easy to operate showing excellent net profit. Don't miss this top retail...
$650,000 plus SAV
Excellent Opportunity
NET PROFIT BEFORE OWNERS'COSTS IN EXCESS OF $200,000 *Diverse revenue streams with consistent sales and...
$780,000 plus SAV
Ideal Tree Change
Tatts / Retail Newsagency located in prime location in the heart of the main retail precinct of Echuca. This...
$710,000 plus SAV
Tatts / Associated retail lines and gifts located in prime main street location. Low rental Tatts sales...
$895,000 plus SAV